Contact Us

Contact us online

Please submit online queries using the link opposite to help provide you with immediate self-help or to send an online consultation to the Practice.

This can include requesting sick notes and private letters and allows you to contact the Practice without the need to the need to call.

Cannock Chase Hospital
Brunswick Road
WS11 5XY
Day Opening hours
Friday 14 March
8am to 6:30pm
Saturday 15 March
Sunday 16 March
Monday 17 March
8am to 6:30pm
Tuesday 18 March
8am to 6:30pm
Wednesday 19 March
8am to 6:30pm
Thursday 20 March
8am to 6:30pm

Important: If you need help when we are closed

If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or Call 111.

NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.

Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.


This Practice has suitable access for disabled patients. We also have a loop-hearing device for the hard of hearing.


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